Leadership Team Shane Cress
Shane Cress

Hello there friends!

My name is Shane, and I have news about the All-Pro Dad River Ranch Scavenger Hunt Stampede adventure this year!  We are lookin’ forward to seeing you folks there!

Join Us For The All Pro Dad Scavenger Hunt

It’s a fun and challenging hunt where you will be exploring Westgate River Ranch to find the answers.  Each team will work to solve the clues and race for prizes in this fun adventure!


Each family makes up a team.  There is a whole herd of amazing families this year, and we hope to see each team at the Scavenger Hunt!


Teams will need to mosey-on-down to the Community Dining Room, arrive by 11:00am Saturday 2/17, don’t be late! 


Scavenger Hunt Race

There will be two divisions of racers.  Walkers/Runners and Bikes/Golf-carts.  Prizes will be awarded for 1st, 2nd, & 3rd place in each division.  Each team must choose which division they will compete in, prior to the start. 

After everyone is given the rules and instructions, all teams head out on the Ranch to complete the Scavenger Hunt throughout the park.  All teams will start the Hunt at the same time.  Each team is free to choose a route as you quickly move from location to location.  While on the trail, you’ll be sure to discover many unique locations of River Ranch. 


Remember:  Individual family teams must stay together throughout the race AND you cannot collaborate with other teams.



Once all teams have been corralled in the start area, groups will be given a clue sheet and a map.  When the clock starts, teams will have 2 hours to solve the clues and complete the hunt.  Clues will lead you to a specific location in River Ranch where the answer will be waiting for you.  Write down the answer on your sheet and, using the clues, kick up your heels and run along to the next location.


The Finish

Once you have solved all the clues, giddy-up on back to the Community Dining Room area to stop the clock.  Be sure to stay hitched-up with your whole team right to the end of the line.  Champions and prizes will be announced during the Award’s Ceremony at 11:15am on Sunday.


Have fun!


See y’all there.


Shane Cress

All Pro Dad Camping Trip

Scavenger Hunt Director